Our Mission:
Our mission is to provide a safe, inclusive space for all, pouring love and acceptance from every cup.
From Doing Good to Brewing Good:
the Pause Coffee Shop Story

“Be good. Do good.” That’s how we try to live every day. Our mission is to provide a safe, inclusive space for all, pouring love and acceptance from every cup.
We’ve been in Omaha long enough to consider ourselves local, although we hail from across this great country.
So many facets to who we are, I’m not sure where to start….
Matthew- he turned the “dirty thirty” in 2022. He’s a social guy and never forgets you if you’ve met! He has a steel trap memory and a heart of gold! He also has Prader-Willi Syndrome. Some of Matthew’s condition inhibits what he can and can’t do- but only because society dictates exclusion for him. Finding employment for a social guy with special needs and accommodations hasn’t been easy, nearly non-existent actually. We are here to change this for Matthew and others like him.
All his life, Matthew has experienced a world telling him what he is and is not capable of accomplishing. We [his family] have NEVER believed that Matthew couldn’t do whatever he wanted to do. Tired of being told no over and over, overcoming obstacle after obstacle, here we are.
Enter, Mama Bear- that’s me! I’m Kelly. Or as my friends call me, KFG! I brought four amazing kids into this world. They all plan on helping Mama and Matthew to get this opportunity for their oldest brother off the ground. Matthew has two younger brothers, a younger sister, and so so so SO many family and friends that love him!
Ethan, he’s Lieutenant Brother. He is 6 years younger than Matthew and has taken on the older brother style role. He has given me two grandbabies and an amazing wife-to-be. He is the innovative one, work smarter, not harder! He is also the 2nd funniest person I know…second only to his mama!
Logan is my “imaginary son”. Fiercely independent, I have to remind him to check in with his mama to let her know he’s ok. Even though I know he’s ok. He always is. He’s the worker bee in our hive. He brings food & beverage service experience and isn’t afraid to put in the work for success.
Sienna is my baby girl, even as a grown woman…always my baby. She is my mini-me. We nearly lost her in 2021 when life just hit her in the worst way. She is why we pause… We take a break to be still and know. Know that life is worth living. Know that we are loved. Know that we matter.
And others, feeling how she felt, matter too!
They matter. I matter. YOU matter.
At Pause, we have time and love for you.
Will you linger?
Be Good.
Do Good.
Our Commitment to Community:

Pause Coffee Shop is a community-minded space that partners with local artists, activists, non-profits, and other community-forward change makers to foster a culture of inclusivity, especially for those with different abilities.
Our rotating calendar of featured artists, makers, crafters, writers, and dreamers are sure to be the perfect community addition. Did we mention that we do this FREE of commissions/charges?
Be Good. Do Good.

Request Form
If you're an entrepreneur, nonprofit representative, or artist with a passion for collaboration, we invite you to complete this form. Your unique contributions could soon grace the spotlight at Pause. Expect to hear from us soon to take things forward.